What do priests do?
Priests pray with and for the people of God;
Priests preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ;
Priests celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass;
Priests feed the people of God with the Body and Blood of Jesus in Holy Communion;
Priests baptize, witness marriages, visit the sick, bury the dead, comfort the broken-hearted;
Priests teach the truth about Jesus Christ and his Church;
Priests bring the Gospel to the world;
Priests share the burdens of their flock, and stay with their people in good times and bad;
Priests care for the dying.
The people of God need priests! A vocation to the priesthood or religious life is an initiative of love from the heart of God. It is a call, not a career. God calls in a gentle and loving way and invites us to respond in freedom.
Discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life takes time, effort, prayer, patience and attentiveness to God. It also takes courage.
If you want to follow Christ with an undivided heart either in the priesthood or the religious life, contact the Diocesan Vocations Director derrydiocese.org or log on to vocations.ie. There are also many inspiring vocation testimonies on Youtube.