
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic Faith. What is so important about it and why should we make the effort to go to Mass every Sunday?

In the Mass, Jesus extends to us an invitation to grow in our relationship with him. We receive him in holy Communion as the guest of our souls. At the consecration of the Mass, the gifts of bread and wine on the altar are transformed into the real body and real blood of Jesus. This is not a representation, a metaphor or a symbol. This is real. Listen to Our lord’s own words at the Last Supper:

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic Faith. What is so important about it and why should we make the effort to go to Mass every Sunday?

In the Mass, Jesus extends to us an invitation to grow in our relationship with him. We receive him in holy Communion as the guest of our souls. At the consecration of the Mass, the gifts of bread and wine on the altar are transformed into the real body and real blood of Jesus. This is not a representation, a metaphor or a symbol. This is real.

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